Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Everyday it is said to be an exam for us as we come across many new things in our day to day routine.As for this,frustration,annoyance,excellence,exhaustion all gets compiled till eventually one cant handle it anymore and just explodes like a volcano.

But then,we were all told by our guru's or guardian that once one has a problem,therefore one has to start looking up for ways to solve or overcome the problem but sadly just like any other normal citizen,we know that everything is easy to say..but its hard to practice it and same goes here where our employers say teach n lead us into solving problems by having critical thinking or analyzing the problem thoroughly before concluding a decision.

To begin with,our employer's had some internal affairs which were not involving the employee's in the organization,but due to the decision by our new employer..the decision of his has affected his own employee's.By blocking the web page of a social networking site in the internet which is being use widely around the world today has become a talk during break times and even during working hours.

But what is more confusing is when the employee's start to wonder whats the actual job of an employer.As on my personal view,an employer job's is to make correct choices or decisions in order to meet the productivity and goal of the organization.Is the management trying to teach us something which they themselves fail to practice it or is it suppose to be the other way round where our managements are suppose to b role models and examples to the employee's?

Dear director,with your decision of blocking the web page in your organization is not a good decision cause generally speaking you as a senior and experience person,you should infact face the problem properly and do critical thinkin.In this case not only the problem will be solved,in addition to dat as well even your employee's will be able to learn something from this misunderstanding and how to overcome it.

I also wish to relate the same scenario of whats going on in your organization to this story of mine as an example to get a better view.

A year old baby cries whenever he or she is hungry.And went the mother feeds the child,the child has a few bites and doesnt want to continue eating anymore...and this same scenario has been going on for an approximate 2 3 months.Eventually the mum gets angry and she just refuses to feed her child anymore with the reason of whats the point to feed the infant when the child is just not going to eat.Well if the mum says this,we can conclude this by saying maybe the mum isnt ready to be a mother yet or maybe we can also say thay maybe the mum has no responsibilities in her as she is still young to be a mother.Wherelse a good mum will actually take the initiave to find out why her child doesnt want to eat his meals properly instead of concluding a decision fast.

Same goes here..we have come across proverbs like..NEVER JUDGE BOOK BY ITS COVER..but what you just did is JUDGING THE BOOK WITHOUT READING ITS yet..

Confuse employee

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